FAMILY: Hadrosauridae.
ERA: Late Cretaceous ( Campanian 83.5 – 71.3 Ma ).
SIZE: Length 15 m (50 ft).
LOCATION: North America
L. lambei; 7 articulated skulls and postcrani a, about 10 articulated skulls, juvenile to adult.
L. magnicristatus; 2 complete skulls, 1 with postcrani a.
L. laticaudus; Isolated skull and postcrani al elements.
This lambeosaurine had a hollow hatchet-shaped crest (sometimes bigger than the skull itself) jutting forward from skull roof, and a spine jutting back, perhaps supporting a neck frill. The animal’s air passages continued through the crest, for unknown reasons.
Species list
L. lambei Parks, 1923 (type) , that includes L. paucidens Marsh, 1889 ( nomen dubium ), L. clavinitalis Sternberg, 1935, Didanodon altidens, Hypacrosaurus lambei, Hadrosaurus paucidens, Ceratops paucidens, Procheneosaurus altidens, P. praeceps, Pteropelyx altidens, Stephanosaurus marginatus (possibly), Tetragonosaurus praeceps, Trachodon altidens, T. marginatus (in part), Corythosaurus frontalis and Thespesius altidens.
L. laticaudus Morris, 1981 (provisional assignment, as specimen lacks a skull).
L. magnicristatus Sternberg, 1935.
Lambeosaurus is also synonymous with Didanodon and some parts of Procheneosaurus.